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Insight and analysis are fundamental elements for effective communication. At Vode, we use advanced, in-house developed technology as well as carefully selected purchased technology to support the development of brand strategies, communication initiatives and creative concepts.

  • A pretest provides an opportunity to uncover weaknesses before launch. We test everything from storyboards and sketches to finished solutions to ensure that the campaign achieves the defined communication goals. The results become more valid the closer the test material is to the finished solution. Pretest should be chosen when there is time and space for adjustments before launch, but we also have AI-based solutions that are more cost-effective.

  • Posttest is a quantitative test that measures the campaign's effect after the campaign has ended. We evaluate the advertising's ability to influence the consumer in the desired direction, and assess the advertising based on the dimensions "Learning" (attention, sender ID, message comprehension, product features and benefits) and "Loving" (liking, image/associations, changed impression, purchase intention and recommendation).

  • Awareness measurement provides insight into the brand's status in the market, including awareness and perceptions. We typically conduct between 500 and 1,000 interviews with target groups, and the results provide a basis for strategy work and communication that builds strong brands.

  • A brand tracker tracks the development of a brand over time. We conduct between 250 and 500 interviews with the target group per month, and the results are reported in a dashboard that can also include other data such as media investments and digital KPIs. This provides a holistic picture of the brand's performance and development.

  • We create detailed profiles of an advertiser's target audience. We use existing data about consumers and their habits, or conduct our own research to ensure that communications optimally reach the target audience with relevant content in relevant channels.

  • Through consumer behavior mapping, we provide insight into who our customers are, their shopping habits, and their media habits. This is used as a basis for reaching the right group in the right channel with the right message at the right time.

  • Sales modeling provides insight into how media investments affect an advertiser's sales, and how to optimize media mix and budget to maximize ROI. We use data from the last three years on sales and media investments to build a statistical model that finds the relationship between media investments and sales.

  • We map out in which situations a brand is mentally accessible to the target audience and how mental accessibility is strengthened over time. The results are analyzed and presented in a report and possibly a dashboard, which provides insight into how the brand can improve its mental accessibility.

  • We conduct tailored surveys to answer specific questions an advertiser needs insight into. The results are used as a basis for strategy, communication development or other purposes, and provide a deeper understanding of the market and target group.


Insights from Consumer & Media: How to use data to understand and reach audiences in 2025

Insights from Consumer & Media: How to use data to understand and reach audiences in 2025

Norway's largest market survey, Consumer & Media, provides deep insight into how Norwegian consumers interact with the media and what consumption habits characterize the market. In 2025, this insight is more critical than ever for marketers who want to adapt to an ever-changing landscape.

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De er eksperter på innsikt og analyse av markedsføring, merkevarer og effekt. Analysesjefene har over 20 års erfaring med analyse og innsikt av markedsføring, merkevarer og effekt.


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Deres datahub hjelper deg med å koble sammen, modellere og forstå dataene dine på hvilken som helst måte du ønsker.


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Neurons AI er en avansert AI-løsning basert på nevrovitenskap som hjelper bedrifter med å optimalisere reklamekampanjer ved å gi raske tilbakemeldinger og personaliserte anbefalinger.


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Our partners in insights and analytics.

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